Could the gospel be lost in evangelical churches? In this book, J.D. Greear shows how moralism and legalism have often eclipsed the gospel, even in conservative churches. Gospel cuts through the superficiality of religion and reacquaints you with the revolutionary truth of God's gracious acceptance of us in Christ. The gospel is the power of God, and the only true source of joy, freedom, radical generosity, and audacious faith. The gospel produces in us what religion never could: a heart that desires God.
The book’s core is a “gospel prayer” by which you can saturate yourself in the gospel daily. Dwelling on the gospel will release in you new depths of passion for God and take you to new heights of obedience to Him. Gospel gives you an applicable, exciting vision of how God will use you to bring His healing to the world.
Gospel Revolution: Recovering the Power of Christianity is an 8-session discipleship experience that leads group members to understand how to let the gospel work in their hearts the way religion never has or could. On a journey to greater understanding of the gospel, Pastor J.D. Greear ran through all the religious activities typically associated with a disciple's life: giving, adopting, missionality, preaching, and witnessing. Though disciplined and intentional in all aspects, only when J.D. "discovered" the gospel of Jesus Christ did everything change. That's why the objective of Gospel Revolution is to help group members abide in Jesus. They will find that when they do, passion, self-control, kindness, patience, and generosity are the natural results. Marriages will change. Participants will become more self-disciplined. They will be less selfish. Not by concentrating on these things, but as a result of being captivated by the love of Christ. (8 sessions)
[all 4 prayers]
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Prayer 2
Prayer 3
Prayer 4Prayer 1
Prayer 2
Prayer 3
Prayer 4
"The Gospel truly changes everything. In GOSPEL pastor J.D. Greear makes that truth crystal clear. In this book your will learn that Christ's presence and approval are all you need today and always for everlasting joy. I love this book for the blessing it will be to the body of Christ. It has a word for us all."
—Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Engaging Exposition
"Radical obedience to the person of Christ can only spring from reckless trust in the sufficiency of Christ. I am grateful to God for my friend J.D. Greear and his call to plant our lives and churches solidly in the soil of the gospel. This book will help you rest daily in God's great grace as you live continually for God's great glory."
—David Platt, senior pastor, The Church at Brook Hills and author of Radical
"With this book J.D. Greear solidifies his position on a team of young evangelical voices calling the twenty-first century church back to the gospel. He powerfully and probingly shows that the gospel is just as necessary and relevant after you become a Christian as it is before because the gospel doesn't simply rescue us from the past and rescue us for the future; it also rescues us in the present from being enslaved to things like fear, insecurity, anger, self-reliance, bitterness, entitlement, and insignificance. J.D. makes the clear case that when the word of the gospel—Christ's love for us without strings attached—grips our hearts, it sets us free and changes everything."
—Tullian Tchividjian, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and author of Jesus + Nothing = Everything
"My soul continues to be encouraged by the stirring up of strong voices to point people to the gospel and what appears to be a genuine movement back to that thing that Paul considers "of first importance." J.D. has done a masterful job of clarifying and wringing out the gospel implications for the life of the believer. Whether you are a pastor, have been in church your whole life, or have recently become a Christian you will find this book to be helpful."
—Matt Chandler, lead pastor, The Village Church
"Nothing has affected my life more than the gospel. My thirtyfive years of pastoral ministry have given me an ever-increasing love for, and deeper awe of, its power. Dr. Greear has much to offer the body of Christ in embracing this gospel in all its glory. The gospel really is the power of God for salvation, so read and be forever reminded!"
—Johnny Hunt, senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Woodstock
"J.D. is clear on the gospel, humble and humorous. He's written a book that's good for the Christian lacking assurance, the Christian tempted to legalism, the Christian tempted to guilt, the Christian tempted to selfishness. If you want to be missional and faithful, reaching out while holding fast, this book will encourage you."
—Mark Dever, senior pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and author of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
"J.D. Greear is one of the greatest men of God I know. And one of the most brilliant. His ability to communicate the gospel in a fresh yet faithful way perfectly positions him to speak the life-giving message of Jesus into you in a way that you have never experienced. And in a way that will change your life forever."
—Steven Furtick, lead pastor, Elevation Church and author of Sun Stand Still
"I believe God had J.D. write this book for such a time as this, for there has never been a time in the church where we so desperately needed to see the gospel more clearly, and the person of Christ so central to the gospel. This book is a gift from God to His church and to the world."
—Clayton King, president of Crossroads Worldwide and author of Dying to Live
"With disarming honesty, J.D. offers an insightful look at the spiritual realities which face us today. I love the section on Your New Identity! Perhaps the most poignant and central truth for me is 'being gospel Centered is not moving past the gospel but continually swimming deeper into it.' I encourage you to read this book."
—Dr. Frank Page, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention
"I love the gospel and the way that the gospel fuels zeal . . . and I love the way that J.D. writes about it. This is a gospel saturated book that will guide you in your desire to love the Lord and your neighbor. I highly recommend it."
—Elyse Fitzpatrick, author of Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus
"If you're not amazed by the blood-soaked good news that ripped you from the grave, then you just might be on your way to being bored to death. And boredom leads to the futility of rote performance, pretending, and ultimately despair. I'm thankful one of my favorite preachers in the world, J.D. Greear, takes all that on in this book. With precision and punch, J.D. brings the shock and awe of gospel power. This book won't just engage your mind, it'll quicken your pulse."
—Russell Moore, dean of the School of Theology and senior vice-president for Academic Administration at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Adopted for Life
"I have spent my entire life studying movements. Great spiritual movements like Great Awakenings or missionary movements have at their center the recovery of the gospel. We desperately need such a movement in our time, and I for one believe we are seeing it. J.D. Greear gives clarity and perspective to this growing gospel movement. This book should be read by every person breathing, whether believer or not, whether 'leader' or not. Get to know afresh the God who saves by reading this book, and find rescue for your soul."
—Alvin L. Reid, professor of Evangelism and Student Ministry, Bailey Smith Chair of Evangelism at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"My fellow pastor, J.D. Greear, through his book, has helped us in this quest for gospel-saturated living. He takes the principles of gospel centrality and shows us how to orient our lives around it. I appreciate how in refreshing and real ways he makes the gospel accessible to others so that they can experience its transforming power. I especially like the book's practical section on gospel prayer as a way to assist us in rehearsing these truths deep into our hearts and minds. Whether you are exploring Christianity for the first time or are longing to 'look into these things' again and again, let me invite you to spend time with this helpful book."
—Timothy Keller, senior pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church and author of The Reason for God
"With the clarity and conviction of a prophet, J.D. Greear calls us to more than accuracy and academics with the text. In his book he challenges us to be sure that the gospel is more than central to our theology . . . but that it has transformed our lives."
—Mac Brunson, senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Jacksonville
"Are you tired of the disconnect between head-religion and heart-religion? Read this book. Are you tired of the treadmill of performance-driven Christianity? Read this book. Are you unclear about how your love for the gospel should play-out in your daily walk with God? Read this book. Are you tired of the empty 'gospel-jargon' that, regrettably, has become vogue in our day? Read this book. In this short volume, J.D. Greear has gifted the church with something wonderful: he calls us to rediscover the Source of the transforming power of the Christian life. In short, he beckons us, woos us, and drives us to Christ, our great treasure and eternal joy. Hopeful and lifegiving, I highly recommend this book."
—Scott Anderson, executive director, Desiring God, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"What is left if the gospel is lost? That question should haunt the evangelical mind as we are now surrounded by so many false Gospels, partial Gospels, and confused Gospels. Addressing this emergency, J.D. Greear offers sound counsel, clear biblical thinking, and the full measure of conviction in helping Christians and churches recover the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ."
—Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of He Is Not Silent
"I've lived long enough to know that there's only one hope, one thing that can actually heal us and transform us: the grace-saturated gospel of Jesus. J.D. Greear invites us to dive into the bottomless end of the gospel pool and find life that deeply satisfies."
—Jud Wilhite, senior pastor of Central Christian Church, Las Vegas and author of Torn
"The fruit we crave—joy, peace, love, goodness—persistently eludes our techniques and formulae. J.D. Greear reminds us that Jesus and his gospel are both the means and the end. Savor this book."
—Glenn Lucke, president, Docent Research Group